
Including your car or motorcycle in your shipment is, in many cases, not only feasible but also advantageous and certainly worth considering. We can provide you with information, advice and guidance on the possibilities, costs, risks, and the necessary preparation.

Personal vehicles are often a point of attention when moving abroad. Selling your car usually means financial loss, especially considering that you will most likely need to buy a vehicle at your new home as well. Therefore, it is a good idea to get informed of the advantages and disadvantages of transporting your car.

Voerman International transports many vehicles from and to different countries. This can be done in several ways, depending on the destination. Whether it is included in the shipment of household goods or not, it can often be an economical option.

We recommend that you allow our local agents to arrange the customs clearance, documentation and registration for your vehicle. This is especially important in countries where it is forbidden to drive, even temporarily, with a foreign registration. Our local agents are up to date on all the relevant and current regulations.

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